Opt-In & Opt-Out Management of Express Consent

Discover our Dialog Controller™
Measure what matters
With SPLICE's Dialog Controller™, you can visually track the number of opt-ins and opt-outs as they happen. You can also segment your data by categorizing based on group, or channel.
The Dialog Controller™ can be integrated with your core system so you can reduce the number of tabs or web pages that you have open while being able to see everything you need in one single view.

Reap the benefits
All opt-ins collected are confirmed, compliant, trackable, and defensible in all regulatory environments
Data insights allow you to stay up-to-date with your contact data, preferences & confirmations
Improved open rates since content is being distributed in a policyholder-preferred channel
Improved communication efficiency and customer experience
Increased customer engagement
Process can be easily integrated with pre-existing systems and processes
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